Serve Your City is a church-wide campaign focused on serving our local communities in three intentional ways: Giving, Serving, and Loving.

No in person services will be provided on any North Coast campuses the first weekend of May as we head out into the community to share Christ’s love!

This year we will work at the Agrarian Institute! Find more information on our Serve Your City Page!


  • TNL: Our midweek youth group TNL stands for Tuesday Night Live. We meet every Tuesday from 7-9pm. Students are free to show up as early as 6pm to hangout at the JH78 room.

  • Weekend Services: We meet for church service on Saturday nights at 5pm and Sundays at 9am and 11am. All services include games, worship and Bible teaching. Bring a Bible and a friend!

  • Winter Camp : This February 7-9th we will travel up to Palomar Christian Conference Center! Click the link for more info!


We also send out Parent Emails a couple times a month. If you aren’t receiving our emails, please email Gordy to get added!