Are you a parent looking to get involved? If so, we offer many opportunities for you to do so.
1. Parking team
You know that long and annoying line of cars you have to wait in every time you pick your child up from TNL? Well that system was put in place to ensure the safety of your kid getting picked up and to help the traffic flow coming in and out of our campus. Our parking staff consists of incredible individuals that guarantee the efficiency of that system. If you join this team, you will work with others, directing cars where they need to be and making sure kids cross the street when it's safe. The commitment is one Tuesday a month where dinner and fellowship is provided. If interested in joining the Parking Team, click here for more details.
2. Events team
Throughout your child's time in Junior High, they will experience so many different events: Overnighters, Allnighters, fundraisers, camps and more. But before each incredible event, the administrative details must be handled. The Events Team is looking for welcoming and responsible parents to check students in and handle money at many of our events. If you join, you'll be placed on a list that we can call every time we have an event coming up to see if you can help out. If interested in joining the Events Team, click here for more details
3. Small Group Leader
Even though we are a ministry of 300 students, students can grow in Biblical wisdom and Christian fellowship through Small Groups. Every Tuesday night at TNL, students spend around 30-40 minutes in Small Groups led by two mature Christian adults. These adults range anywhere from college students to empty nest parents. Their primary goal is to come alongside junior high students at TNL, showing them how to live life like Jesus did. They also lead a Bible study planned by our staff and worship amongst the students. This is a very high and rewarding commitment. If interested in being a Small Group Leader, click here for more details.